Loving my life. Being who I am and who I want to be. Man I suppressed me for a …

Loving my life. Being who I am and who I want to be. Man I suppressed me for a long time. I allowed myself to be ok with being with someone who didnt want me reaching towards my goals. Not competing. No photo shoots. Didnt like me posting my feelings on IG. As most of you know thats ME! Im an open book. Ive cried on here. Im shared my life journey with you. Ive shared my sorrows. And the greatest gift I get in return is all the messages thanking me for being open because you can relate. Being open and vulnerable leaves you open to criticism. So what?? Criticize me baby. Im fulfilling my purpose here on this earth. Every hardship Ive endured has allowed me to become stronger and share those ah-ha! moments. I feel so blessed to have opened my eyes and realized I wasnt being my full self. Now I am!!!!! What a beautiful thing!!! here is just a random fun unedited moment captured by Chris Boone during our latest shoot. #iamconfident #prettypowerful #flex #muscle #girlswithmuscle #diet #beach #womensphysique #evogenelite #photoshoot #hustle #life #love #happiness #babe

Source by cherievhdelainerqp

